This page does not provide medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on the MASHVET Site. If you think you may have a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.
Dear Colleague--
This note is a public service to raise awareness for treatment modalities that may not yet be known to you: Medical Oxidative Therapies. While novel to most of the conventional medical community, ozone therapy has been extensively researched, taught, and used clinically world-wide for over 30 years. Ozone therapy is uniquely applicable to pandemic conditions.
We have compiled a brief overview and a resource list of peer-reviewed literature on medical oxidative therapies with applications for
• Acute infectious disease, viral and secondary bacterial
• Prevention of cytokine storms
• Protection of hepatic and renal function
• Disinfection of PPE
Additionally, ozonated saline flushed in the pharynx and nasal passages can prevent viral inoculation from proceeding to full blown pulmonary infection— a critical tool to protect health care providers. Ozone generating technology is very simple and can be quickly manufactured in any machine facility.
These resources can be found at:
Don’t hesitate to contact one of us with any questions about clinical applications and getting access to trained O3 practitioners.
As of March 26 the European Union has brought up the use of Medical Ozone to sterilize the PPE and Ventilators
Karen Gellman DVM, PhD [email protected]
Margo Roman DVM [email protected]m
This note is a public service to raise awareness for treatment modalities that may not yet be known to you: Medical Oxidative Therapies. While novel to most of the conventional medical community, ozone therapy has been extensively researched, taught, and used clinically world-wide for over 30 years. Ozone therapy is uniquely applicable to pandemic conditions.
We have compiled a brief overview and a resource list of peer-reviewed literature on medical oxidative therapies with applications for
• Acute infectious disease, viral and secondary bacterial
• Prevention of cytokine storms
• Protection of hepatic and renal function
• Disinfection of PPE
Additionally, ozonated saline flushed in the pharynx and nasal passages can prevent viral inoculation from proceeding to full blown pulmonary infection— a critical tool to protect health care providers. Ozone generating technology is very simple and can be quickly manufactured in any machine facility.
These resources can be found at:
Don’t hesitate to contact one of us with any questions about clinical applications and getting access to trained O3 practitioners.
As of March 26 the European Union has brought up the use of Medical Ozone to sterilize the PPE and Ventilators
Karen Gellman DVM, PhD [email protected]
Margo Roman DVM [email protected]m
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