MBRT Product Descriptions
SLURRY: A slurry is prepared by taking the raw donor sample and blending it with a small amount of saline. Any remaining solid material is then filtered of leaving a liquid product that is ready to be given as a rectal enema. These are best given post rectal ozone therapy and defecation.
Canine: 30ml, 60ml Feline: 30ml |
CAPSULES: Capsules are prepared by taking the raw donor samples and filtering out any foreign materials, such as leaves or bones, and piping the sample into the capsule. They are then dusted with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth to prevent sticking. They are frozen immediately and must remain frozen until ready to use.
Canine: Large capsules Feline: Small capsules |
Raw Nuggets: Raw nuggets are prepared by taking the raw donor samples and filtering out any foreign materials, such as leaves or bones, and piping them into small sample sizes. They are frozen immediately and must remain frozen until ready to use.
Size: 1 size (smaller than the whole raw)
Whole Raw: Whole Raw samples are prepared by taking the raw donor samples and filtering out any foreign materials, such as leaves or bones, and separating them into larger sample sizes. These may be given whole orally, or blended to make a slurry. These are frozen immediately and must remain frozen until ready to use.
Size: 1 size (larger than the raw nugget)
Unfiltered Raw: Unfiltered Raw samples are straight from the source with no preparing or filtering. These may contain foreign materials, such as leaves, bones, or an occasional piece of paper towel. These must be filtered prior to use. These samples are frozen and must remain frozen until ready to use.
Biofilm Restorative Water: Your mouth houses hundreds, if not thousands, of different species of bacteria. Some of this is good, and some lead to tooth decay and gum disease. By introducing beneficial bacteria, we are starting the GI tract on the right foot. This biofilm is collected from the water dish of our donors who have not had any tarter or cracked teeth. The biofilm mixes with the water, and then can be added to your dogs bowl to introduce a new, healthy species of bacteria to the patients mouth. This cannot be frozen, but must remain in the refrigerator.