‘Tis the season for injuries and arthritis flare-ups. As the deep cold finally sets in, so do those aches and pains. But what do we use to treat pain in dogs and cats? Many of us are accustomed to reaching for those standard pain relievers, like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS (think carprofen and meloxicam) as well as stronger drugs like opiates, to ease the discomfort of our four-legged family members. Many of these drugs, used long term, have negative side effects and can impact the health and well-being of our pets in unfavorable ways.
Alternative therapies can be helpful in balancing the body as well as managing and relieving pain. They work best as part of a whole-body wellness program. At MASH we offer many different therapies that can be tailored to your pets’ individual needs and can often replace the use of NSAIDs and opiates. Some of the therapies include:
Alternative therapies can be helpful in balancing the body as well as managing and relieving pain. They work best as part of a whole-body wellness program. At MASH we offer many different therapies that can be tailored to your pets’ individual needs and can often replace the use of NSAIDs and opiates. Some of the therapies include:
Acupuncture and Aquapuncture:
Acupuncture involves the insertion of small needles into specific points along pathways (meridians) in the body which stimulates parts of the body to improve healing, manage pain and decrease anxiety. Aquapuncture involves injecting a small amount of Vitamin B12 in the acupuncture points, rather than placing and leaving acupuncture needles for an extended period of time. Vitamin B12 positively supports the animal and gives them a boost. |
Laser Therapy:
At MASH we offer class IV therapeutic laser therapy. Laser therapy can help relieve both acute and chronic pain. It helps by increasing circulation and decreasing inflammation as well as helping to stimulate the immune system and nerve conduction. It enhances healing by aiding in the production of collagen and tissue development. Laser therapy can easily be performed in combination with acupuncture, PEMF and supplements for a multimodal pain management program.
Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency (PEMF):
PEMF therapy increases circulation, reduces swelling, relieves pain and stimulates an anti-inflammatory response. PEMF therapy can be used in acute conditions, like ligament trauma and chronic conditions, like osteoarthritis. For many animals, it replaces pain medication as a long-term treatment which is especially important in those pets who do not tolerate traditional pain medications. With PEMF there are no side affects or drug interactions and can be used as a primary therapy or in conjunction with other modalities as part of a whole- body wellness program.
A neutraceutical is defined as any substance that is a food or part of a food and provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. In addition to acupuncture, laser therapy and PEMF, there are other tools that we can use to aid in increasing the comfort of your pet. Natural foods and supplements can be added to your dog’s diet to provide relief from the pain of arthritis and injury. Supplements can add a safe, natural alternative to NSAID and opiate use in dogs and cats. These dietary supplements are effective and relatively inexpensive, and side effects are very rare and extremely mild. Diet also plays a key role in decreasing pain in your pets. As we all know, the more body fat we have the more strain on joints and bones we will have. Our practitioners can make dietary and herbal recommendations that will further aid in decreasing inflammation. Before starting a dietary or supplement regimen you should consult with an integrative or holistic veterinarian. Together, you can help create a plan that not only works for you and your pet but one that is also safe.
A neutraceutical is defined as any substance that is a food or part of a food and provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. In addition to acupuncture, laser therapy and PEMF, there are other tools that we can use to aid in increasing the comfort of your pet. Natural foods and supplements can be added to your dog’s diet to provide relief from the pain of arthritis and injury. Supplements can add a safe, natural alternative to NSAID and opiate use in dogs and cats. These dietary supplements are effective and relatively inexpensive, and side effects are very rare and extremely mild. Diet also plays a key role in decreasing pain in your pets. As we all know, the more body fat we have the more strain on joints and bones we will have. Our practitioners can make dietary and herbal recommendations that will further aid in decreasing inflammation. Before starting a dietary or supplement regimen you should consult with an integrative or holistic veterinarian. Together, you can help create a plan that not only works for you and your pet but one that is also safe.
We recognize that your pet is an important member of your family and our caring, compassionate team is focused on optimizing your pet’s health. From well visits to chronic disease, we assess the whole pet so we can offer therapies that respect the integrity of your pet’s mind, body, and spirit.
Tel: 508-435-4077