Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been developed and used for several thousands of years, and treats the body as a whole that is composed of several “systems of function.” Acupuncture is a technique for balancing the flow of energy/life force (qi/chi - pronounced chee), that flows through pathways (meridians) in the body. To re-balance energy flow, needles are inserted into specific points along these meridians. Acupuncture helps to stimulate parts of the body to improve healing and discomfort for a variety of issues.
Aquapuncture has become a commonly performed variant of acupuncture. We inject a small amount of Vitamin B12 in the acupuncture points, rather than placing and leaving acupuncture needles for an extended period of time. With aquapuncture, the patient gets the added benefit of having the points stimulated with B12, and there’s no need to look for acupuncture needles after the treatment. Vitamin B12 positively supports the animal and gives them a boost.
Aquapuncture has become a commonly performed variant of acupuncture. We inject a small amount of Vitamin B12 in the acupuncture points, rather than placing and leaving acupuncture needles for an extended period of time. With aquapuncture, the patient gets the added benefit of having the points stimulated with B12, and there’s no need to look for acupuncture needles after the treatment. Vitamin B12 positively supports the animal and gives them a boost.
Unfortunately, Acupuncture is not being offered at this time

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is designed to boost the supply of oxygen to ischemic or diseased tissues that respond to increased oxygen levels. The patient relaxes in a chamber with elevated oxygen pressure.
By increasing the volume of oxygen dissolved in the blood plasma, you can have the following effects:
By increasing the volume of oxygen dissolved in the blood plasma, you can have the following effects:
- Reduction of volume of gas bubbles in the blood
- Vasoconstriction, which reduces edema and secondary hypoxia
- Restoration of aerobic metabolism to ischemic tissue
- Detoxification of poisoned tissues
- Enhanced phagocytosis

Homeopathy is a medical science developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician. It is based on the principle that “like cures like.” In simple words, it means that any substance, which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person who is sick. This idea is referred to as the “Law of Similars,” and was understood by Aristotle and Hippocrates and mentioned in ancient Hindu manuscripts. It was Hahnemann, however, who turned it into a science of healing. Here are examples of this principle:
- An onion is a substance which makes your eyes water and your nose burn. If you are having an attack of hay fever with watering eyes and a burning nose, a homeopathic remedy made from onion can relieve it.
- Poison ivy causes redness, intense itching, burning, blistering and sometimes stiff muscles. Homeopathically it has been used for everything from herpes and burns to eczema and arthritis.
- When you are stung by a bee you feel a burning, stinging pain and the tissues surrounding the area swell up. Some relief is gained from applying cold to the area. If you had swollen tonsils with burning and stinging pain relieved by cold, a homeopathic remedy prepared from the same source could cure it.

We use both Antech and IDEXX laboratories to run diagnostics. We also offer Jean Dodds Hemopet, Plechner immune/endocrine testing, and anitbody titer testing. In-house, we offer heartworm testing, giardia, 4DX, FeLV, and FIV testing.
We have been recommending geriatric bloodwork as a general screen for age related issues. Cats over the age of 10 and dogs over the age of 9 should be screened yearly for organ health, thyroid function, and have a urinalysis done. When caught early, many age related health issues can be managed with changes in diet and supplementation. Our goal is to keep your older friend aging gracefully.
We have been recommending geriatric bloodwork as a general screen for age related issues. Cats over the age of 10 and dogs over the age of 9 should be screened yearly for organ health, thyroid function, and have a urinalysis done. When caught early, many age related health issues can be managed with changes in diet and supplementation. Our goal is to keep your older friend aging gracefully.
MBRT is a way to reboot the immune system of an animal. This is known in human medicine as a Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT). In a normal human there are 100 trillion microbes that live in the body there are over 500 species from the mouth to the anal area. These healthy microbes are in a symbiotic balance that allows the body to stay healthy. Similarly, our pets need these microbes to work together to strengthen the immune system.
When there is an imbalance of these microbes and there is overgrowth of species due to antibiotics, pesticides or any other chemical and illness can occur. A MBRT will reintroduce a healthy biome from a healthy dog or cat and try to reestablish the hundreds of species that are needed. We do this in several ways. One is an oral infusion/capsule or through an enema. We need the animal to be on high quality nutrition, probiotics, digestive enzymes and additional nutraceuticals to enable the new micro biome to have a healthy home.
Our donors are from a healthy dog/cat who live in a chemical free home/yard, have never had any pesticides, antibiotics, and are a fed raw diet. Our donors have had limited vaccinations, are titered regularly, and are screened for intestinal parasites. Practitioners can order MBRT products using our Order Request Form.

We try to support the organ system that is weak by feeding the body the organ that is deficient. For example, with an animal with liver failure we would feed liver and the precursors of repairing liver tissue. For pancreatic issues we would feed pancreatic tissue. We use mainly Standard Process products both the veterinary line and the human line.
MASH has both western herbs and traditional Chinese herbs. Because animals have an innate ability to choose plants and herbs when they are ill, we feel herbs are so important as food and medicine.
We try to support the organ system that is weak by feeding the body the organ that is deficient. For example, with an animal with liver failure we would feed liver and the precursors of repairing liver tissue. For pancreatic issues we would feed pancreatic tissue. We use mainly Standard Process products both the veterinary line and the human line.
MASH has both western herbs and traditional Chinese herbs. Because animals have an innate ability to choose plants and herbs when they are ill, we feel herbs are so important as food and medicine.
Ozone therapy is one of the most positive approaches to healing. When you have inflammation, swelling, infection, bruising, and even cancer there is higher amounts of CO2 within the tissue. When we give ozone it brings in Oxygen into the tissue and displaces the CO2 and inflammation, infection and bruising goes down. Ozone is a very effective treatment in acute and chronic viral diseases, acting as a virucidal agent and in improving the general health of animals.
It is also effective for acute and chronic bacterial diseases, including those that do not respond well to antibiotics. These bacterial diseases include leptospirosis, Lyme disease, brucellosis, botulism and septicemia. Ozone can effectively relieve acute “asthmatic” attacks, as well as reverse the allergic component from the inhalation of molds, dust and other allergens. Perhaps the most exciting application of ozone is as an effective adjunct to high-PH therapy for leukemias, lymphomas and other malignancies.
Ozone may be administered by body bagging, bagging of the affected limb, inhalation, rectal insufflation, or by direct intravenous or subcutaneous administration of ozonated saline. Treatments are usually done for several consecutive days or weeks and can be done in the office with the owner present. It relieves pain and allows the tissue to heal as it is bathed in oxygen. We deliver ozone in several different ways. With a saline subcutaneous fluid is the most common way. We also give as a gas when we bag an affected limb. It can also be given in the ear canal for infection. Most of our clients feel the effects are so helpful and positive.
We have had numerous cases of Lyme disease recover without the use of antibiotics or NSAID anti-inflammatory drugs. Ozone, when used in conjunction with joint support and homeopathy, is offering patients a real alternative for Lyme treatment. We are also providing this super-oxygenation protocol for our chronic renal failure and cancer cases.

Prolotherapy is a treatment that stimulates the body to repair painful areas. Specifically it involves the injection of natural substances into painful areas to stimulate the body’s own repair mechanisms to strengthen and heal injured structures. Mostly, Prolotherapy is used to strengthen ligaments and tendons. Ligament injury is presumed to be the preliminary cause of joints that become degenerated.
This along with the fact that most degenerated joints have tenderness at ligament attachments around the joint, account for the fact that degenerative arthritis and degenerated structures typically respond beautifully to Prolotherapy. Prolotherapy is a great treatment for pain arising from ligaments, tendons, and degenerated joints. Prolozone is adding ozone to the injection. This treatment can be used for cruciates and unstable joints
This along with the fact that most degenerated joints have tenderness at ligament attachments around the joint, account for the fact that degenerative arthritis and degenerated structures typically respond beautifully to Prolotherapy. Prolotherapy is a great treatment for pain arising from ligaments, tendons, and degenerated joints. Prolozone is adding ozone to the injection. This treatment can be used for cruciates and unstable joints
Unfortunately, Prolotherapy and Prolozone is not being offered at this time
Good quality food is an important source to improve health. Certain foods really can improve the level of nutrition. More organic fresh and live the foods can be the more vital will be the health improvement. Certain foods can almost work like a medicine. We have many clients that feed raw meat and vegetable diets and we encourage a balanced diet. We also encourage high quality and organic fresh foods as a part of the pets nutritional program.
We can help you balance the diets and give you the confidence to use these foods safely. We always educate our clients about the safety of handling raw meats and making sure the quality has high standards.
Ultraviolet light therapy or Biophotonic blood therapy is a way to increase the immune system of an animal or human. We combine ozone therapy with an animal’s blood and a small amount of heparin and mix that with Biocean which has trace minerals from the bottom the ocean and take that mixture and push it through ultraviolet light within a crystal cuvette.
This photoluminescence stimulates healthy cells and those viruses and bacterias that do not like light or oxygen are either destroyed or weakened. This procedure is very good for infections, cancer, inflammation, Lyme and will help the immune system for overall health. In combination with more ozone therapy we can reach a high utilization of oxygen to increase the health of the animal. With better oxygen utilization you can achieve optimum health.

We do surgical procedures at MASH, such as spays, neuters, vasectomies, lacerations, growth removals, wound repairs, some eye procedures, dental cleanings and polishing, and dental extractions. All of our surgical procedures get homeopathic support during and after the surgery. We also use acupuncture for pain control and to stimulate healing. Ozone may also be part of the aftercare to reduce pain and swelling. Reiki can also be given by one of our technicians. Wherever we can use integrative modalities to help us with recovery or prevention we like to add them.
We provide general care and vaccinations as part of our comprehensive healthcare services. Our minimal vaccination approach, combined with antibody titer monitoring, ensures that we vaccinate only when necessary. We keep our patients up to date on their rabies vaccinations, except when they are undergoing treatment for serious medical conditions. To minimize potential adverse reactions, we also offer homeopathic remedies with each vaccine.

Death is a part of life and at MASH we want to give options in the final days and hours of our beloved pets. They are members of our family and the respect for their life is so important. Sometimes, because of the severity of the medical conditions certain support can be just palliative. Hospice may be part of the final days as well. Humane euthanasia is also always a gentle option.
We have set aside a special room in our holistic care center dedicated to final care. This room is set as a library with a fireplace and couches to allow the pet to be allowed to feel unthreatened. We are able to light candles and have enough room so the entire family can stay with your pet and be there in the final moments. We always heavily sedate the pet before a final dosage of anesthesia is given. This peaceful last moments are so respectful of the deep love and respect that we have for these special family members.
We have a wall of remembrance with pictures and poetic words about our lost family members. If you are interested in sharing your loving thoughts with other families who may need your kind words in their time of need, please contact the office. We also may be able to do a house call so this final goodbye can be done in a comfortable place in your home. We have Final Gift for the burial or special cremation of your beloved pet.
This is a service that is offered to current clients only.
We have set aside a special room in our holistic care center dedicated to final care. This room is set as a library with a fireplace and couches to allow the pet to be allowed to feel unthreatened. We are able to light candles and have enough room so the entire family can stay with your pet and be there in the final moments. We always heavily sedate the pet before a final dosage of anesthesia is given. This peaceful last moments are so respectful of the deep love and respect that we have for these special family members.
We have a wall of remembrance with pictures and poetic words about our lost family members. If you are interested in sharing your loving thoughts with other families who may need your kind words in their time of need, please contact the office. We also may be able to do a house call so this final goodbye can be done in a comfortable place in your home. We have Final Gift for the burial or special cremation of your beloved pet.
This is a service that is offered to current clients only.