As your pet ages, it is important to help them nutritionally and physically manage the process. Sadly, it has become increasingly more common for pets to develop health issues in the senior years, such as arthritis, kidney issues, diabetes, and cancer. Routine health checks can help to identify these issues early.
What can you do for your aging pet?
Great nutrition, hydration, exercise, and keeping your pet's immune system strong are key. Here at MASH, we have modalities to help strengthen your pet’s immune system. Ozone Therapy and Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) with ozone are such examples. UVBI has been used for over 80 years in humans around the world to stimulate the immune system to help fight infections, inflammation, and disease.
What can you do for your aging pet?
Great nutrition, hydration, exercise, and keeping your pet's immune system strong are key. Here at MASH, we have modalities to help strengthen your pet’s immune system. Ozone Therapy and Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) with ozone are such examples. UVBI has been used for over 80 years in humans around the world to stimulate the immune system to help fight infections, inflammation, and disease.
What is Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI)? It is the process of taking a small amount of blood from a patient and adding ozonated saline to increase the overall size of the sample as well as the oxygen in the blood. The sample is then run under an ultraviolet (UV) light which enhances the interaction of the ozone with the blood cells. The sample is then given back to the patient intravenously. UV light is absorbed by red and white blood cells as photonic energy, stimulating the body's natural immune system ability to defend against and overcome inflammation and/or infection that is attacking the body.
Example cases we have seen improve with UVBI:
- Arthritis & Lameness
- Infections
- Allergies
- Kidney infections and function
- Cognitive Function
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Lyme and other tick borne diseases
We recognize that your pet is an important member of your family and our caring, compassionate team is focused on optimizing your pet’s health. From well visits to chronic disease, we assess the whole pet so we can offer therapies that respect the integrity of your pet’s mind, body, and spirit.
Tel: 508-435-4077