There are many natural alternatives that deter external parasites, like fleas and ticks, and are safe for your pet. We have an array of options at our clinic, including:
Suggested steps for removing ticks from your pet
- Using forceps or tweezers, grasp the tick quickly as close to the skin as you can. The quicker you grab it, the less time for it to bury it's head deeper under the skin. For dogs only, you can apply Vaseline or Tea Tree oil. This will cause the tick to become weak.
- If the head is left in the skin, it may cause inflammation but usually will scab over and peel off within a few days. Clean the area off with some hydrogen peroxide and then you can apply some Calendula gel.
- We recommend giving Ledum 30C weekly during tick season to reduce the chance of infection from any ticks.
If your pet shows signs of 1 or more of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian. The sooner diagnosis and treatment can begin, the sooner your furry friend will feel better.
Tel: 508-435-4077